Saturday, November 5, 2011


This couple of day were unbelieveble.  I been stressing so much with the fact that I didn't get any news to get my written and practice exam and get my Nail Specialty license.  I was specially concern because I need the license, or at least the temporary license, to open my nail salon Pink Nails & More on December 3th.

I called the state but they did not found my papers or any records in their system.  I got crazy!!! They told me I studied in Puerto Rico and, since in PR they do not give licenses, my only choice was to study again.  I called Manhattan Nails and Esthetics School and they say, the receptionist, "you need to come, we have to evaluate your hours and we may give you a certification for a charge."  I drove an hour to manhattan, and when I sat down with the lady she started telling me that they do not do that.  What????? Well, then she starts talking lower and told me: "listen, i like you, the enrollment fee ($1,100.00) fill the Nail Specialist application, and I will put it together with the other ones and the school will sign it.  Then I will separate it from the group, you come and pick it up and send it to the state."  Wait, wait, What??? So I am enrolling, do i need to come to class? " No, no, no is just to sign and seal your application."  I am like let me think about it.  She noticed I did not like it so again she is like:  "I like you, call me at 4:00pm.  I will ask my boss to lower the price".  I went home, called at 4:00pm just to heard her say he say $800.00.  This lady has some guts because this sound pretty illegal to me,

At that point I could not take it any more.   I called my school in Puerto Rico to complaint for the fact that they do not give licenses.  I almost called the State Department of Puerto Rico to complain too. I was thinking and thinking what to do. I send like ten papers to the State.  Diploma (High Honors), transcriptions, hours certification (in Puerto Rico we study 780 hours, 8 months), OPI Workshop Diploma, Nail Pro Test Me Certificates (like 6) pictures of my nails, picture of me in my graduation, copy of my article in Nails Magazine.  Come on that is prove enough that I study, and a lot.

It was almost 5:00pm and I realized I have a client at 6:00pm.  Said to myself:  "You know what God, do what you have to do, I give up." I walk out of my room and there is the mail in the table.  My name is in the center of the envelope and Department of State Division of Licensing Services in the left top corner.  I almost faint!!! OMG.  God your fast!!!  There it was, my temporary license!!!!  But it does not stop there because since I realized that God make your dreams come true, specially if is His will and the right time, I started to say in my mind:  "Tomorrow I am going to receive the green card with the written exam date."  Yes!!!!!!!! Today I got it in the mail!!! How crazy is that.

Lesson learn.  Do not fall for the people that is trying to get you to do something ilegal to get things done.  Have patience and trust in God.  He will make a way where other people thinks, No Way!!

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